Be sure to look at your return on time as well as your overall returns . Some businesses or deals will hit the returns you want but they will take all of your time. That too can be optimized if you think about it properly.
The law of compounding it truly is the eighth wonder of the world!
Once you realize that no one is going to come do it for you and you learn to rely on yourself and your team and move forward even if you don’t have all of the information. Colin Powell used to say “if you have more than 75% of the information you need to make a decision you have waited to long” and he is right. Mistakes will happen but you need to move forward.
In addition to real estate we have a car technology company that is changing the way people sell used cars . The total addressable market is over $1 trillion per year in the U.S. alone so the opportunity is massive.
We are focused on delivering a system to develop housing in a more affordable and expeditious way.